Quels rôles ont joués les médias dans l’élection de Donald Trump?
- Par
- Le 2016-11-14
- Commentaires (31)
- Dans Club Zénon
L'élection présidentielle américaine a été pour beaucoup une surprise, non pas pour des raisosn idéologiques, mais parce que son résultat a défié toutes les enquêtes d'opinion, prédictions et discours médiatiques. C'est la question que se pose la rédaction de The conversation Why the medias got it so wrong about Trump and Brexit?
Dans ce contexte, on peut s'interroger sur le rôle des médias dans l'ascencion de Donald Trump. Une étude d'Harvard explique l'impact que la "couverture médiatique" du personnage Donald Trump : Harvard Studies confirm media's role in Trump political's rise. Se pose alors l'interrogation ultime du journaliste: parler de facon critique d'un personnage public, n'est-ce pas envers et contre tout lui offrir une "surexposition médiatique". De plus, quels rôles ont pu jouer les médias non traditionnels: Pour Trump, les réseaux sociaux ont contribué à sa victoire.
Et vous, qu'en pensez-vous? Sans rentrer dans des considérations politiques, écrivez dans les commentaires votre avis sur le rôle des médias. Est-ce que les médias peuvent vraiment influencer l'opinion publique? Quel est leur rôle en démocratie?
Commentaires (31)

- 1. | 2016-11-20

- 2. | 2016-11-18

- 3. | 2016-11-18

- 4. | 2016-11-18
Donald Trump’s election had US media allegation. A lot of what they discussed, applied to the United Kingdom's Brexit and their media allegations.
The media must adjust. The problems are really complex and they can easily accuse the liberal favoritism and elitism.
The article quotes, “big media has too easily become part of the political/celebrity bubble and tends to forget that journalism is meant to be an “outsider” activity.” Celebrities are to blame, they have taken too many journalists into the arms of who they want to be interviewed.
The article also quotes, “Too much of the media spends too much time talking to itself and not to the communities it serves.” A lot of companies compete against each other to try to get the best interviews and get the most money, so they can be successful.
The news media is going through an economic change. The advertising rates are falling and the revenues are not growing fast enough to make up the money they need. As a result, we have a lot of major news cuts in the US and to a large extent in the UK.
Newsrooms have failed to deliver to diversity and economic differences.. The most part are white and middle class citizens. This causes a major loss of views, attitudes and approaches.
The media is struggling and we need to support more people such as diversity and interview different people to fix this issue.

- 5. | 2016-11-18

- 6. | 2016-11-18
In an article i read, it says that journalists write only what catches the audience's attention. In Trump's case, he is what the audience talks about most, especially because election day is approaching. In medias (magazines newspapers), that is all what they talk about. For teenagers, the election is something that we talk about a lot at school during recess. I think that if you don't really keep up with the elections (reading the newspaper or watching news), but you check on instagram or twitter, it can have an effect on what you might think because the foundation of the comments are already based off of opinions and not facts.
To counter that, I do not think that the media helped Trump win the elections. Most of the posts about Trump aren't positive. I don't see how this can help Trump win the elections but i see how this can spread word (mostly negative) about Trump.
In conclusion, i think the media can change people's opinions but i don't think it helped Trump with the elections.

- 7. | 2016-11-18

- 8. | 2016-11-18
News coverage also helped Donald Trump a lot. The news often commented on Trump's ways and his campaign, and more people tuned into the news. Overall people knew who trump was and thanks to that he became very successful at winning this election.
In conclusion media and the election play a huge role. They play hand in hand, because the more attention you get the more successful you get.

- 9. | 2016-11-18

- 10. | 2016-11-18

- 11. | 2016-11-18

- 12. | 2016-11-18

- 13. | 2016-11-18

- 14. | 2016-11-18

- 15. | 2016-11-18
On social media, anyone can put up biased information of their preferred candidate; in this presidential race, the media was a battleground that fluctuated between a majority of Hillary support to Trump support. The un-educated or the sheep would be influenced by these, resulting in inaccurate polls. This results in uninformed opinions and biases, possibly resulting in an unqualified president. Yet it seems that the more uneducated the opinions, the stronger they are, and the more abundant they are, resulting in voter peer-pressure, influencing other people’s educated opinions.
In conclusion, media is crucial in elections, as it influences the educated and the un-educated severely.

- 16. | 2016-11-18
All these unreliable polls go to the media. People read the media and then form opinions around the media. The polls were saying that Hillary Clinton was going to win. It is no secret that many people are extremely lazy. So, Hillary supporters, after seeing these polls, came to the conclusion that no matter what Hillary Clinton would become president and they didn't have to go out of their way to vote for her. The polls that were predicting Hillary's success may very well have been her downfall.
Media influenced people towards Trump in other ways too. Trump has fed the media by being an very vocal person. He criticizes people openly and became offensive to many people. Though many people were repelled by his words, it gave him publicity. People were forced to acknowledge him and therefore form opinions about him. Those who didn't want to pay attention to his words, paid attention to his political views. A large portion of these people owned businesses and believe that his policies would help them. There is also the small percent of people who shared his not-so political views and the people who just wanted a good laugh.
In conclusion, media and polls play a large part in presidential elections. They influence people's minds and they are often unreliable.

- 17. | 2016-11-18

- 18. | 2016-11-18

- 19. | 2016-11-18

- 20. | 2016-11-18
I think that the main reason for this is because many people were ashamed to be voting for Trump because after all the media has said about how Hillary is better and Trump is a racist, no one wanted to say that they wanted to vote for Trump in the polls. I personally think that even though Trump got a lot of media coverage, in the beginning and even towards the end, it was very negative. Hillary, however, got a lot of positive attention from the press. I think this comes from the fact most news companies are on the east and west coast, places that are very pro-Hillary. Donald Trump even said that the media is biased and one sided. Of course every company has their preferences however many would say it's suspicious that they all have the same preference.